Wednesday 29 June 2016


6 Reasons Why Trust Is More Important Than Love

Most people believe that love can conquer all, and that the only thing you need in order to make your relationship successful is just pure and honest love. I would beg to differ! After 21 years of living and two long relationships, one thing I’m completely sure of is the fact that trust is the most essential component of a successful relationship. In its absence, you can end up feeling constantly worried and hurt.

If you don’t completely trust your partner, you end up wasting all your time worrying about where your partner is, who they’re with, and what they’re doing, and ultimately end up feeling psychotic. I’m pretty sure that’s not the kind of relationship you would ever sign up for.

Here are 6 reasons why trust is always more important than love:

You can only love a person truly if you trust them

Love is always built on trust and not the other way around. Being rational human beings, we tend to love the people we already trust. And if we enter a relationship without building its base around trust, it is bound to fail as soon as the hard times come.

Trust is used to control our emotions

We are all emotional beings. In most situations, we tend to place more emphasis on the means rather than the final end. We tend to engage in relationships that are meaningful, relationships that we can truly value.

And how do we decide in the start if a relationship will prove to be that way? We use trust! We use it to gauge the kind of relationship we have with others. And we use it to decide exactly how much of our own self we should give to others.

Trust is the building block of all relationships

Once we truly trust a person, once we find the comfort to open ourselves to them and to share all the deepest, darkest thoughts in our minds, that is the moment when a relationship truly becomes unbreakable. – Continue reading on next page

Love can cloud your judgments but trust illuminates them

We always believe that love can be our one true savior in times of need. But the truth is, we’re usually too blinded by love to actually make sane judgments. We get too involved in trying to gain the acceptance, approval, and admiration of those we love. And we fail to realize the fact that love is suppressing our ability to reason.

This is where trust comes in. It helps you get back to the real reasons behind your relationship. It helps you realize whether the person standing in front of you is actually worth the effort. And it helps you distinguish between the people who you’ll have a lifelong connection with and the people who will eventually leave.

Trust conquers all

We’re all familiar with the phrase ‘Love conquers all’. But the truth is that trust is the one thing that can truly push us to believe that we can and we will conquer all obstacles. It holds everything together when all the things around you seem to be falling apart. It’s the glue that fills every gap and every difference you might have with your partner.

Trust is what makes you love again

When all is said and done, when you feel like life keeps pulling you to the ground, when you get your heart-broken a thousand times over, the only thing that can help you bring back the hope in your life is trust. It enables you to believe in something bigger and better than all the heart breaks. It helps you get yourself back on track in life. And it helps you get the motivation back to find your one true soul mate.

Talk to me

Has your trust ever been broken before? Let me know about it. Post a comment

Friday 17 June 2016

Honest and sincere

To be sincere and honest is one of the viture that produces trust and truth. Have you ever given your best and yet is not enough.? Maybe you haven't given it all your best yet. Many of us find it difficult to be honest and sincere. In a relarelationship,  when you  try to hide certain things it gives room for lies, lack of trust, lack of peace etc.

A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed.

The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.

That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marble.

Moral : If you don't give your hundred percent in any relationship, you will always worry if other is giving his or her hundred percent or not. Be honest and live peacefully.





        Lets trace the foundation of all these. 1 Corinthians 14: 33-end Paul speaking here refereed to women as having no authority to speak in church but rather remain silent and speak to their husbands at home. One would quickly submit to this doctrine and it will create a controversy if you view this without a proper understanding of it.  Now lets trace some few things and I believe this will help explain why Apostle Paul made this reference to women. Take a look at  verse 33 in 1 Corinthians 14. It says "for God is not the author of confusion,  but peace,, as in all churches in the saints... looking at this statement it points to two things
1. There is a contest, a rival, a war between two parties and its affecting the peace of the church.
2. There is an overthrown,  overturned and an overtaking activities going on and this is creating a space for some insubordination.
And if we proceed further to verse 34 and 35 you will notice that the women became popular and started occupying some vital positions and indirectly putting the men aside. This development grew beyond the church and it escalated and spread into their homes. The women are not suppose to be the head of the homes but submissive to the husband. This brought a lot of insubordination and wives not submitting to their husband at home. What becomes of a home without submission and what becomes of a church without a peaceful home and families.
In other to regulates this, Apostle Paul have to come with this doctrine to regulates and discipline this misbehavior. In over all explanation, verse 40 speaks of DECENCY and ORDERLINESS. This was his ultimate goal.
Take a look at 1 Timothy 2: 10 -15 . I believe this will give you a better explanation of what I have said earlier.  This became a teaching of SUBJECTION and AUTHORITY.
This two subject plays a vital role in creating a peaceful home and  church.

So it is not wrong for women to be General overseers or preach in church. Jesus said " go yea into the world and preach ........" this is an assignment for everyone not for the men alone. But the women should not use this as right over their husband at home. I will discuss this later in part two of this article. But note this; The call to ministry is not restricted to men alone but the head of the family is the man "husband" not the woman.

Thursday 9 June 2016



" Colossians 4:17
And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it."


" 1 Corinthians 12:5
And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord."

God never mentions words without any of them having significance. Most people don't realize it and so place value on some word of God instead of all. Our lord Jesus Christ instructed us differently:

" Luke 4:4
And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but BY EVERY WORD of God."

In ministry one of the word we must place importance on is 'Administration'.

Administration is the process or activity of running a business, organization on a daily basis etc.

Every ministry operates on different gifts and every gifts need administration for it to be long lasting and yielding the best results. Check out ministries without administration and you will notice they lack strength in having sustained success and growth. Administration makes a ministry very very responsible and people love to identify with any work that looks responsible and is responsible.

Administration doesn't allow only the leader to be the burden bearer and also ensures every burden of the ministry are well handled by everyone necessary (Team). Jesus Christ choose a team before He began ministry and that shows He believes in administration. A good administrator is great blessing to any ministry he or she can better serve well.

With administration you have office hours which must be taken seriously by even the leader in the ministry and the workers. No ministry is well organized without administration.

There's a huge difference with having people around as protocols to protect you and having a administration in your ministry. The time usages, running of the ministry and also different assignment to be done daily are part of what an administrator takes daily responsibility of and ensures are carried out successfully.

No matter how anointed you are and how powerful your gift or gifts are you can have a solid a ministry establishment without solid administration in place.

Your own ministry administration is free to be different from others:

" 1 Corinthians 12:5
And there are DIFFERENCES OF ADMINISTRATIONS, but the same Lord."

Do you have administration in place in your ministry? It's not late to begin.

With administration you can be able to better attend to every aspects of life which are 1) Personal life (spiritual, physical etc) 2) Family life, 3) Ministry life and 4) Relationship life (friends, colleagues etc). It is administration that helps a minister of the gospel to have balance.

God bless you.