Thursday 21 July 2016

Walking in Prosperity

But this I say, He which soweth sparingly  shall reap also sparingly;  and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.  Every man according as he pur­ poseth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity,  for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always  having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to ever good work: (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness
remaineth for ever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase  the fruits of your right­ eousness;) Being enriched  in every thing to all bounti­ fulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving  to God (2 Corinthians 9:6-11).

The Amplified  Bible  says it this way:

And God is able to make all grace (every  favor and earthly blessing)  come to you in abundance, so that
you may always  and under all circumstances  and what­ ever the need, be self-sufficient—possessing  enough  to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation….And [God] Who provides seed for the sower and bread for

eating will also provide and multiply your [resources for] sowing,  and increase  the fruits of your righteous­ ness….Thus you will be enriched  in all things and in every way,  so that you can be generous,  [and your gen­ erosity as it is] administered  by us will bring forth thanksgiving  to God (verses 8,10-11).

As you give cheerfully  and generously, God will cause
every blessing to come to you. He wants you to be able to give to others, to help meet their needs; therefore, He will multiply your resources for giving. This is the way God’s system works!
We have been discussing  the laws of prosperity and particu­ larly have covered the promises of the hundredfold return as in Mark 10:30. Now I want to examine  some things Jesus taught in Mark 4. Here again,  Jesus speaks  of the hundredfold return in the parable  of the sower. Let’s begin with verse 14:

The sower soweth the word. And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately,  and taketh away  the word that was sown in their hearts. And these are they likewise  which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately  receive it with gladness;  And have no root in themselves,  and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or per­ secution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately  they are offended. And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness  of riches, and the lusts
of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it,

and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.

Jesus is teaching here about the Word of God. The very first rule—the predominant  rule—about believing  God is faith cometh by hearing, and  hearing by the word  of God.  Acting on God’s Word brings results. You should act on His Word as
quickly  as you would the word of a doctor, a lawyer,  or a trusted friend—regardless  of what your circumstances  dictate and regardless  of what your physical  senses tell you. Acting on God’s Word as the truth brings forth faith. Faith comes into
action and causes  the laws of the world of the spirit to func­
tion and bring results.
In the parable  of the sower, Jesus is teaching about the Word of God and how the Word bears fruit. Let’s examine  it closely  and discuss some significant facts as we go.
Verse 15, “And  these  are  they  by the way  side,  where the
word  is sown; but when  they have  heard, Satan  cometh immedi­ ately,  and  taketh  away the word  that was  sown in their  hearts.” The seed, the Word of God, did its job. It went into their hearts.
This tells us that Satan will come immediately  to take away  the Word which was sown…immediately. Have you ever wondered why a man can preach healing  and almost everyone  in church will get sick? The answer is that Satan  comes to steal  the Word from  them concerning healing.
“And these  are  they likewise which are  sown on  stony
ground; who,  when  they have  heard the word,  immediately receive it with gladness; And have  no  root in themselves.”  They have no confidence  in themselves  as Christians, as believers.  So what happens? They endure for a time.
“Afterward, when  affliction or persecution ariseth for  the
word’s  sake, immediately they are  offended.” It is because  of

the word that you have persecution  and affliction. When you begin dealing  in the Word, you are marked and Satan will do everything  he can to defeat you. However, if you will use it, the Word will fight its own fight and cause you to be more than a conqueror  (see Romans 8:37). Put the Word to work. Use it. It is the sword of the Spirit. Jam it into Satan! “Resist  the devil,  and
he will flee  from  you” (James 4:7). Just remember he won’t flee
if you merely lie down and play dead. You must resist him with the Word!
“And these  are  they which are  sown among thorns;  such as
hear  the word,  And the cares of this world, and  the deceit­ fulness  of riches,  and  the lusts of other  things entering in, choke the word,  and  it becometh unfruitful.” Don’t make the mistake of lumping these three together. They are not the same.
The cares of this world and the deceitfulness  of riches are two different areas. I want to focus here on the cares of this world. This one area is probably  the most dangerous  and the most capable  of totally defeating  you in your Christian walk.  The cares of this world will stop your faith, stop the Word in your life, stop your thinking, and cripple your insides.
What is the supreme  care of this world? Strife! The right to
be ugly if you want to…the right to talk against your brother if you want to…the right to be fussy if you want to…the right to say whatever  you want to! The most  worldly thing  that exists  is
strife!  Satan is strife itself. It is worldly.  It is sin. It is deadly,  and
it brings disease  on its wings almost 100 percent of the time. James 3:16 says, “For where envying and  strife  is, there  is confu­ sion  and  every evil work.” The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians listed strife along with adultery,  fornication, idolatry,
witchcraft, hatred, murder and drunkenness  (see Galatians 5:19­
21). You can see that when a man gets in strife, it is easy for him to commit murder, adultery  or these other things. Strife is

the motivating force. When a man is operating in love, he won’t act that way.  If he is operating in the love of God, he won’t
look at another woman to lust after her. It is when you are thinking of yourself that lust gets in.
Strife is the number on  tool of Satan.  Jesus said in Mark
11:25-26, “And when  ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have  ought against any:  that your  Father also  which is in heaven may  for­ give  you  your  trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your  Father which is in heaven forgive your  trespasses.” Unforgiveness and strife are under the law of sin and death,
and God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ is the only way the power of this law can be broken in a person’s life. Each time a person operates in strife and unforgiveness,  he submits to the law of sin and death, and he cannot get God’s forgiveness until he forgives his brother and gets the strife out of his life. Satan knows how this works, and he will try to keep  you in strife. He will attack your weakest  area first and break down if he can.
Make up your mind at this point that you will never again operate in any area of unforgiveness.  You can’t afford to play around with it. Faith works  by love.  The very instant you get into strife will be the very instant your faith begins to falter. If
you notice your faith weakening in some area, look at your household,  your family, your friends—strife is involved some­ where.  Find it, repent of it and get it straightened  out. It doesn’t matter what people  have done to you. Love them in spite of it! Give love and you will get love. It may take a day, a week  or a year, but it will come! Love never  fails!
“And these  are  they which are  sown on  good ground; such
as  hear  the word,  and  receive it, and  bring  forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty,  and  some an  hundred. When you receive the Word into your heart, it will bring forth fruit, as
much as a hundredfold.  Praise the Lord.

Throughout Mark 4, Jesus is teaching  on the Word of God. In verse 21, He says, “Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed?  and  not be set on  a candlestick? The candle  represents  God’s Word. Psalm 119:130 tells us that the entrance of His Word brings light. Some say we aren’t sup­ posed to understand  the Bible, but would God send His Word and then hide it under a bushel? Jesus says, “For there  is noth­ ing  hid,  which shall  not be manifested; neither was  any  thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad (Mark 4:22). The apostle Paul said that the secrets which the prophets wrote in the Scriptures are now manifested and given to us by His Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 2:9-10). All of this is speaking  about the Word of God.
Mark 4:23-25 says, “If any  man  have  ears  to hear, let him hear. And he said  unto  them,  Take heed  what  ye hear:  with what  measure ye mete,  it shall  be measured to you:  and  unto
you  that hear  shall  more  be given. For he that hath,  to him shall be given: and  he that hath  not,  from  him shall  be taken  even that which he hath.”  What does this have to do with the Word
of God? God has provided every single thing necessary  to make you a success in this world and in the world to come. He has provided a Savior to break the bond between  Satan and mankind—the Lord Jesus Christ. He bore the stripes, the spear,
the thorns, the sin, the death, and was raised from the dead to
everlasting  life. God has provided all this in Him.
Let’s read this again.  Take heed  what  ye hear:  with what measure ye mete,  it shall  be measured to you:  and  unto  you  that hear  shall  more  be given. For he that hath,  to him shall  be given: and  he that hath  not,  from  him shall  be taken  even  that which
he hath.”  The man who does not have a covenant with God, the man outside the covenants of promise as in Ephesians 2:12, is without hope and without God in the world. If you are with­

out a covenant, if you do not have the Word of God function­ ing and operating in your life, then even what little you do have will be taken away  by Satan. If you are with out God in the world, no matter what you do, somewhere  down the line Satan will take it from you. He is a thief and a killer out to destroy everything  you have. There’s no question about it. Satan has been around a long time and you haven’t! He has about a 6,000-year head start. But, brother, when you get into the Word of God and get filled with the Holy Ghost, then you
have an eternal advantage  over Satan because  the Spirit of God was around long before Satan came into being! The advantage is ours when we are operating on the New Testament because
it provides the knowledge needed  to govern Satan. Everything comes back to the Word of God. Even people  who are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit will be robbed if they don’t know what the Word says about healing  and prosperity.  If they don’t know their covenant with God, Satan will take what little they do have. Determine now to be one who will hear. Jesus has promised that more will be given you (verse 25).
Let’s continue now in Mark 4:26, “And he said,  So is the
kingdom of God, as  if a man  should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and  rise  night  and  day,  and  the seed should spring and  grow  up,  he knoweth not how.  For the earth  bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then  the ear,  after  that the
full corn in the ear.  But when  the fruit is brought forth,  immedi­ ately  he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest  is come.” It doesn’t do any good to sow the seed for prosperity and then
not reap the harvest. It’s ignorance  for man to tithe and give, then block the grace of God by saying,  “I couldn’t ask God to give me anything.” If somebody  tried to give to a person doing that, he wouldn’t allow it because  of pride. There is no reality
in planting the seeds of tithing and giving if you’re not going to

allow God to bless you through it. You plant the seed, then har­
vest the crop.
There are businessmen  who have given great sums of money but don’t know how to receive from God. Maybe you know how to believe  God for a return but don’t know how to receive a gift. Maybe all you know to do is work! God has men all over this world. If each one gave you a nickel,  you would have enough  for the rest of your life.
There are men today being called by God into the ministry of finance. The Word refers to the ministries of helps and gov­ ernments (see 1 Corinthians 12:28). These are men called to govern and finance and handle this aspect of ministries. There are very few men actually  in the ministry of financing God’s work with everything  else in a secondary  position. Most people put their businesses  first and God second. The ministry of helps is the least developed ministry in the New Testament, but it is a valid a ministry as preaching  the gospel.
When you want to invest money in the stock market, for whom do you look? A stockbroker,  someone who knows the stock market. When you want to invest money into the gospel, for whom do you look? A preacher.  Well, this is not altogether correct. The preacher  ought to know less about the finances of the gospel  than anyone.  It’s his job to know about the Word. That’s what he’s called to do. He gets before God, meditates in the Word, and then ministers to the needs of the Body of Christ. These men called into the ministries of helps and governments are the ones who should know how and where to invest in the gospel.  This leaves the minister free to concentrate completely on his calling.
Mark 4:30-33 says, “Whereunto shall  we liken  the kingdom
of God? or with what  comparison shall  we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when  it is sown in the earth,  is

less  than  all the seeds that be in the earth:  But when  it is sown, it groweth up,  and  becometh greater than  all herbs, and  shooteth out great  branches; so that the fowls  of the air may  lodge under the shadow of it. And with many such parables spake he the word unto  them.”
We have discussed  the importance of keeping  strife out of your life. Let’s see how this enters into your financial affairs. In Luke 6:27-34, Jesus is teaching about some of these things.

But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies,  do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully  use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek  offer also
the other; and him that taketh away  thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away  thy goods ask them not again.  And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also even the same. And if ye lend to them of whom ye
hope to receive,  what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

Jesus is teaching His disciples  how to stay out of strife. This is not a Christian doctrine or creed. It is designed  to keep you connected with the power of God, so you can live an overcom­ ing life. Love stops the work and the effect of strife by building a protective shield around you. This shield, the shield of faith, keeps Satan from having access to what you do, what you think

and what you are. First John 4:8 states that God is love. As a believer,  you are born of God; therefore, you are born of love. Consequently,  1 John 5:18 says, “He that is begotten of God keep­ eth himself, and  that wicked one  toucheth him not. As long as you keep yourself from strife, then Satan can’t touch you.
What did Paul write to Timothy about strife? In 2 Timothy
2:24-26, he said that the servant of the Lord must not strive but minister to those that oppose him, so that God will forgive them and they may recover themselves  from the snare of the
devil,  who takes them captive at his will. People in strife can be
taken captive by Satan at his will!
Strife is a worldly luxury believers cannot afford! Yet, we invite it into our own homes without realizing  it. You will do and say things at home that you wouldn’t think of anywhere
else. Would you lie to your own family? Would you steal from them? Of course not! Then why would you allow strife in your home? This is the one place  where  heaven  should be mani­ fested. The home is the strongest institution God built. He didn’t build a church for Adam, He built a family!
Jesus taught in Luke 6:35-38, “But love  ye your  enemies, and
do good, and  lend,  hoping for nothing again; and  your  reward shall  be great, and  ye shall  be the children of the Highest…Be ye therefore merciful, as  your  Father also  is merciful. Judge  not, and ye shall  not be judged: condemn not,  and  ye shall  not be condemned: forgive, and  ye shall  be forgiven: Give, and  it shall be given unto  you.” Jesus was teaching about an existence  free from strife, absolute protection from strife in all areas of life.
Then He introduced the cardinal principle  of prosperity,  which is GIVE. Your giving will not work properly until you follow these other rules.
Strife is a lack of love and 1 Corinthians 13 shows what will happen  without this love.

“Though  I speak with the tongues of men  and  of angels, and have  not love,  I am  become as  sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” Your speaking  in tongues will be of no use without love. You’ll just be a noisemaker!
“And though I have  the gift of prophecy, and  understand all mysteries, and  all knowledge; and  though I have  all faith,  so
that I could remove mountains, and  have  not love,  I am  noth­ ing.” Prophecy will do no good if you don’t operate in love. You can’t gripe, complain and bad-mouth people,  then stand
up and say, “Thus saith the Lord….” Unless you operate in
love, your understanding  of God’s wisdom and the mysteries of redemption will be of no value.  Though you have faith to move mountains, it won’t work without love. Now you can see why strife is Satan’s number one tool. No matter how strongly you operate in spiritual things, if he can get you into strife and ham­ per the love of God in your life, then he’s got you! He knows where to strike first!
“And though I bestow all my goods to feed  the poor, and
though I give  my body  to be burned, and  have  not love,  it prof­ iteth me nothing.” Without love, your giving will be of no profit at all, even if you gave your own body.
“Love suffereth long, and  is kind;  love  envieth not; love vaunteth not itself,  in not puffed up,  Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own,  is not easily provoked, thinketh no  evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Love never  faileth.” LOVE NEVER FAILS! When you operate in love, all these things—giving, faith, spiri­
tual gifts—will work for you. Praise the Lord!
Although you may not agree with someone over certain issues, find out on what you can agree with them. Love them and pray for them; don’t criticize and backbite.  You don’t have

to associate  with someone to pray for them. You can avoid them, get the strife out of your life, and still remain in a posi­ tion to pray for them.
Now Jesus taught a way to get rid of strife. He said, “If you have something against your brother, go to him and try to settle it.” He didn’t say to tell everyone  else about it! He said to go directly to that person. He gives us three opportunities  to
bridge the gap: alone, with another brother and then before the whole church (see Matthew 18:15-17). Jesus ended His teaching by explaining the power of agreement,  “That if two of you  shall
agree on  earth  as  touching any  thing  that they shall  ask,  it shall
be done for them of my Father which is in heaven”  (Matthew
18:19). There is a way to live in the Body of Christ in a magni­ tude of power which absolutely  and totally defeats Satan. You have to resist him, and your resistance will work through this power of agreement  and the power of the love of God.
Have you ever wondered  about someone who gets turned on to God and then everything  around him falls apart? I have seen men who looked as thought they were doing fine until they got saved and turned on to the Word, and then problems came from every direction. It seemed  that they were better off before they got saved. I thought, “Why does it seem that Satan has such an inroad any time he wants it?” Then I realized  it’s because  the least discussed,  least taught, least functioned area in the Body of Christ in any denomination  is the revelation of
God’s love and how to operate together without strife. We have heard some people  preach around the fringes,  We’ve got to love one another,” but everyone  waits on the other person to
do it.
The love of God is not a feeling. Somehow we put compas­
sion and feelings in one capsule.  When the Bible says Jesus was moved by compassion,  we traditionally  assume He was

moved by a feeling of compassion.  Then we wait for some kind of feeling to move us before we do anything.  So people  pray
for a “burden to win souls” or a “burden to pray.” Actually, they are praying  for some sort of feeling. They want God to kick them in the pants and make them do what they know they should do. Jesus was not moved by a feeling of compassion;
He was moved by compassion  Himself. God is love.
Love commanded,  “Go into all the world and preach the gospel  to every creature. That is enough.  I heard one well­ known evangelist  say, “My calling is Mark 16:15-20, the Great Commission. I didn’t get a great revelation.  I just read it, decided  to do it, and God honored it.”
Being led by God is being led by His Word. The feelings are real and they will come; but if you are waiting for the feel­ ing first, then you will never get anything  from God. You will always  be led by ordinary human impulses  until you begin to act on God’s Word and do it simply because  He said it.
Make up your mind to control your vocabulary  and do not let words of strife, envy and that sort of thing come out of your mouth. God will be able to use you. Suppose God gave you
His power and anointing and then turned up the volume inside you. If you got mad and said things you shouldn’t, you could deeply  hurt a person with the words of your mouth. The Word says don’t let corrupt communication  proceed  from your mouth; be kind and tenderhearted  toward one another; minister grace to one another; grieve not the Holy Spirit (see Ephesians 4:29-32). When you make the commitment that your words will minister grace to the hearer or else you won’t say them, then you will see the anointing  of God begin to rise up within you. Your words will begin to mean something. Then God can trust you with His power in your mouth. This is the secret to ministry, to life, to prosperity,  to healing.  Jesus said you can have what you

say. When your words line up with God, the problems are over.
Decide to make your conversation becoming to Jesus. If it is not becoming to Him, do not say it. If you have to talk to some­ body, talk to Jesus. He can do something about the situation.
Don’t criticize until you can do better. Don’t criticize Billy Graham until you  have won millions of souls to Jesus. Don’t criticize Peter until you  have walked  on the water. Husband, don’t criticize your wife’s cooking  until you  can do better. Wife, don’t criticize your husband  for watching  ball games in
his undershirt until you start looking decent in the morning. Don’t go around the house with curlers in your hair and wear­ ing a 42-year-old  bathrobe! Begin to look your part. The wife is the queen  and center of love in the home—act like it. The hus­ band is the prophet and priest of the family, not the court
jester! The children represent what God has done with the whole  human race. They are born of love. Their parents love brought them into existence.  When these roles in the family
are lived according  to God’s Word, the power and anointing of God will dwell in your home. If you want to fix your church situation, fix your family first. If you want your nation righted, start with your own family. My wife and I are on a lifelong honeymoon.  We learned  some of these things right after we
got saved and have hardly had an argument.  I fought some, but she wouldn’t—so it never came off. I used to come home looking for a fight, but the soft answer  turns away  wrath. We have the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost (see Romans 5:5).
This is life! It’s what living is all about! The love  of God.
Why don’t you make a quality decision now and commit to this life of love, joy, and peace  in the Holy Ghost? Pray and ask God to forgive you of the sin of unforgiveness.  As an act
of your will, forgive those who have wronged  you. Don’t hold

it inside you. Release it and let God cleanse  your heart. Then make this your confession before God:


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