Thursday 21 July 2016

The Established Covenant and the Established Heart

God has established  His covenant in the earth. Everything He does is deter mined by this covenant. Jesus of Nazareth was born into this world, died on the cross, went to hell, paid the sin price, and was raised from the dead because  of the
covenant God made with man. God does not show partiality by choosing certain people  to save or to heal; His blessings  are for all the people  who meet the conditions of the covenant (see
1 Peter 2:24).
God has established  His covenant—for salvation, for heal­ ing, for deliverance, for prosperity—and  these provisions of the covenant are set out in God’s Word. His Word is His covenant, His bond. When you consider a person’s word, you think of his integrity: Will he do what  he says?  Is his word  good? Is his name good? A person’s name is judged as good or bad by whether or not he keeps his word. Your name doesn’t make your word good. Your word makes  your name good. Herein lies the power in the Name of Jesus; His Name is good because  His Word is good. God has magnified His Word even above His Name (see Psalm 138:2).
God’s covenant has been established  in the earth. Now man must establish his heart in God’s covenant. It is the combination of the established  covenant that produces  results. If you heart is not established  in the covenant, then the covenant will never mean anything  to you. Ephesians 2:12 says, “That at that time
ye were  without  Christ, being aliens from  their commonwealth of

Israel,  and  strangers from  the covenants of promise, having no hope, and  without  God in the world.” Being without God is spir­ itual bankruptcy.  It doesn’t matter what God has done—if you don’t know about it or can’t get in it, you are spiritually  bank­ rupt. Eventually, you will become physically  bankrupt in one form or another. You will have nowhere  to turn. You can’t depend  on your physical  capabilities  because  your flesh just
isn’t enough  to get you through. Certainly, this is true of your mind, your mental capabilities. Men with the strongest minds in the world are committing suicide at an alarming rate!
A man without God in the world is a man without a covenant. He has nothing to believe.  He has nothing to rely
on. There are many Christians who actually  do not know what
to believe.  They say, “How does this work? I’m trying my best to believe  God, but I just can’t seem to do it!” There are many fine, upstanding  people—born  again,  filled with the Spirit of God—who are absolutely  defeated in every area of their lives (physically, mentally,  socially and financially). Why? Because they don’t know the covenant. If they don’t know what God has said, there is no way He can reach them.
Someone might say, “I’m going to believe  God. Well, what about Him are you going to believe…that He is God? This is fine, but it won’t go very far. You must find out what the covenant says God has agreed  to do. A businessman  has that much sense.  When two people  enter into partnership together, they must know what to believe.  If they don’t, they will get into a misunderstanding. Both of them can be com­ pletely  honest and still destroy the partnership simply because they do not understand  each other and do not know what to expect from one another.
You as a believer  have God’s covenant, God’s Word. It is available  to you. However, if you don’t put it to use, you are on

the same level as the man who does not know salvation is for him. He is hell-bound.  You are poverty-bound  or bound in some other area where the Word gives you freedom. If you do not use the covenant, you will live in defeat. This was true in my life. I was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit but lived almost four years in total defeat as a Christian, particularly
in the area of finances. I was trying my best to believe  God. My intentions were good, but I had no idea of what was available to me and no knowledge of what God has provided in Jesus
Christ. Satan kept me behind the eight ball continually!  You see, a man can have a million dollars in the bank, but if he can’t write a check, he is as destitute as the next guy!
A good illustration of this is the man who saved his money to come to America. He scrimped and saved and finally got the money for a boat ticket with just enough  money left to buy a box of crackers and some cheese.  He rationed it to provide a little each day until the boat landed.  During the voyage,  he would look into the dining room where  everyone  was eating and then go back to this room and eat his little food ration. When the boat was anchoring  in the New York Harbor, a stew­ ard stopped him and said, “Sir, I’ve noticed that you haven’t eaten a meal throughout this trip. Is our service offensive to you? Is the food unsatisfactory? The man answered, “Oh, no! I’m not offended. It’s just that I only had the money for my ticket. The wasn’t enough  left over for meals. Then the stew­ ard said, Well sir, the meals were included  in the ticket! You see, those meals were his, but he didn’t know it! His ticket was an agreement.  It belonged  to him, but he didn’t know the
terms of the agreement!  He had as much right to those meals as the captain of the ship, but he settled for crackers and cheese  instead. Most Christians have been “eating crackers and cheese by not knowing  their covenant with God, by not

knowing  what is already  theirs through Jesus Christ.

The Established Covenant

Abraham…Moses…David…Solomon…why did God bless these men? Why have so few men found the blessings  of God in finance? We need to renew our minds to God’s reason for financial blessings.  In the book of Deuteronomy, we see the
predominant  rule to remember in living a prosperous  life: “And
thou  say  in thine  heart,  My power and  the might  of mine  hand hath  gotten  me this wealth. But thou  shalt  remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth  thee  the power to get wealth, that he may  establish his covenant which he swore unto  thy fathers, as  it is this day” (Deuteronomy  8:17-18).
The predominant  rule: God gives  the power to get wealth.
Why? To establish His covenant.
Let’s read further from Deuteronomy 9:5-6: “Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine  heart,  dost  thou  go to possess their land:  but for the wickedness of these  nations the Lord thy God doth drive  them out from  before thee,  and  that he may  perform the word  which the Lord swore unto  thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and  Jacob. Understand therefore, that the Lord thy God giveth  thee  not this good land  to possess it for thy right­ eousness; for thou  art a stiff-necked people.” In other words, Moses was saying,  “God didn’t drive those people  from their
land because  of your  righteousness.  He did it because  He prom­ ised to do it. He had made an agreement  with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” Now the people  did everything  they possibly could
to keep  Him from it. They broke the covenant in every way, but God instituted the priesthood to offer sacrifices for their

sins. They had no righteousness  to rely on, so God gave them a way out. He went to great lengths to establish the covenant
even among unrighteous  people!
Deuteronomy 29:9 says, “Keep  therefore the words of this covenant, and  do them,  that ye may  prosper in all that ye do.” According to this, we should be prosperous  in everything we do, but we must  keep  the words of the covenant.
God gave instructions along these same lines to Joshua dur­ ing the most critical situation of his life. Moses was dead and Joshua was to take over leadership  of Israel in his place, a very difficult job to do. Moses…the man who talked with God face
to face…the man who produced  water from a rock in the mid­ dle of the desert. Moses walked  in prosperity! When he needed water, God gave him the ability to get it. The power of God brought the water, and it was priceless!  This is real prosperity!
Now I want you to realize the uniqueness  of Joshua’s situa­ tion. This is the moment when both the natural world and the spiritual world are hanging  in the balance.  These are God’s people;  if they fail, there will be no Jesus! If God fails them, there will be no redemption! God must keep  His covenant alive in the earth in order to bring forth Jesus, the Redeemer. He had to have a man who would listen to Him.
At this critical time in history, where  does God put the exclamation  point? What does He deem important? He speaks to Joshua and says,

There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of good courage:  for unto this people  shalt thou divide for an inheritance  the land, which I swore unto their fathers to give them. Only be thou strong and very

courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left,
that thou mayest prosper whithersoever  thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success…be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:  for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever  thou goest (Joshua 1:5-9).

In verse 5, we see the key to wealth and prosperity once again:  “I will be with thee:  I will not fail thee,  nor  forsake thee.” Here is God manifesting Himself to man! Jesus said the same thing in Matthew 28:20, “Lo I am  with you  always, even  unto  the end  of the world.” He said in John 14:16 that He would send the Holy Spirit as our comforter to abide with us forever. Prosperity is a byproduct  of God walking  with us and manifesting Himself to us.
God could have told Joshua many things—to fast so many days each week  or to pray so many hours each day. He could have said, “If you’ll believe  Me, I’ll do great miracles,” or “If you’ll believe  Me, there will be a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.” He could have said, You’ll not have to worry when you come to another Red Sea or when your enemies come against you.” But He didn’t say anything  of the kind. At
this important hour in Joshua’s life—at this vital time in the plan of redemption—God said, “This book  of the law shall  not depart out of thy mouth;  but thou  shalt  meditate therein day  and  night, that thou  mayest observe to do according to all that is written
therein: for then  thou  shalt  make  thy way  prosperous, and  then

thou  shalt  have  good success.” Another translation says, You shall  deal  wisely  in all the affairs of life.”
What did God put first? Meditation in His Word.
With one word of His mouth, He established  Psalm 138:2 that says He has magnified His Word even above His Name. You see, when you put the Word of God first in your life and it becomes your final authority, prosperity is the result. It is inevitable  because  the Word of God covers every situation in life. THE WORD IS FINAL AUTHORITY.
All these words God spoke to Joshua would have been use­
less if he had disobeyed and not meditated in the Word day and night. Only by meditation in the Word will you be able to see how to do what is written there. Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Learn to take the Word of God and meditate in it. Then when the world says, “There’s no way out,” you can just smile and say, “Oh yes, there is a way. His Name is Jesus.”
God said, “If you  will meditate in My Word, you  will prosper
and  have  good success.” In other words, you will deal wisely  in all the affairs of life. If you do this, prosperity will be no prob­ lem. It doesn’t matter who you are or what situation you are in,
if you can deal wisely  in all the affairs of life, you will triumph. Paul and Silas proved this when they were in jail. They praised God at midnight, and evidently  they dealt wisely  in that affair because  the prison doors popped  open!
A good businessman  knows that making money is not his biggest problem. Anyone can make money if he knows how to deal wisely.  He can take 50 cents and turn it into a fortune if he knows exactly  what to do with it. If you knew exactly  how to deal wisely  with the money in your purse or billfold—if you knew what to do, where to go, whom to talk with, and what to say—success  would be inevitable.

The truly successful man is one who knows the Lord, has learned  to believe  God, and can share it with others. This man is valuable  to God, to himself, to the people  around him, and he is dangerous  to Satan.
Remember, it is God who gives the power to get wealth in order that His covenant may be established.  God and His Word are one. When you  are  in the presence of the Word of God, you
are  in the presence of God Himself.  John 1:1 says, “In the begin­
ning  was  the Word, and  the Word was  with God, and  the Word was  God.”  There is no way that you can have God manifested in your life without His Word. Now there are special  manifesta­
tions of God’s grace, but the Christian is not supposed  to live on these. We are to live a constant manifestation of God’s pres­ ence from His Word. You keep  His Word, and He will manifest Himself to you. Nothing thrills me more than to know that if I wake  up in the middle of the night with some problem, all I have to do is reach for my Bible. This is the manifestation of
the power of God. It will work every time for anybody  who will use it! When you realize that this manifestation of God is available  all the time and begin to walk in the light of it, you will become prosperous.
We have seen from the Word that God has established  His covenant in the earth, but what about the new covenant? The Word says it is a covenant of righteousness  based on better promises. As we have read in Deuteronomy, God called Israel stiff-necked and unrighteous.  According to the new covenant, we have been made the righteousness  of God in Jesus Christ. God does not see us a stiff-necked people.  (He sees us many times as an untaught people  because  we do not know the covenant, but we are not stiff-necked and unrighteous.) He sees us through the blood of the Lamb: spotless, blameless,  beyond reproach. Israel was the servant of God; we are the sons of

God (see Galatians 4:7). We need to realize our rights as His children and citizens of the kingdom of God.
To illustrate, let’s look at the parable  of the prodigal son from Luke 15. For many years we have read this story without realizing  its full significance,  and it has a very important appli­ cation in the area of prosperity which has been entirely over­ looked.  As we have read about the prodigal son coming home, we’ve stopped there. Our minds have been on him, but what about the other son? The prodigal son took his inheritance  and squandered it. When he returned home, his father killed the fat­ ted calf and threw a big party welcoming  him with open arms. Then the other son came in, saw what had happened and got mad at his father. He said, “I have stayed with you, and you have never even given me a little goat. Yet when he goes off and wastes his money, you celebrate  by killing a calf for him!” Then his father said, “But, son, everything  I have belongs to you.” In other words, he was saying,  You could have had a fat­ ted calf anytime you wanted it. It belongs to you. I’m pleased that your brother has come home, but you  could have had it for
the asking!”  You see, the other son would have settled for a
goat when the calf was his all the time! The inheritance belonged  to both sons; only one took advantage  of it. The older son did without because  of the littleness of his thinking. Most Christians are cheating themselves  out of their full inheri­ tance in Jesus Christ because  of the littleness of their thinking. By not knowing  their covenant, they do not know their rights as children of Almighty God!

Poverty vs. Prosperity

In Deuteronomy 28, we see the blessings  that come from obeying  the Word of God. For instances, verses 11-12 state, “And the Lord shall  make  thee  plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and  in the fruit of thy cattle, and  in the fruit of thy ground, in the land  which the Lord swore unto  thy fathers to give thee.  The Lord shall  open unto  thee  his good treasure.” You
see, God blessed Abraham and his descendants  with prosperity because  He swore it in the covenant. Praise God!
Then beginning  with verse 15, we find an outline of the curse of the law. “But it shall  come to pass, if thou  wilt not hearken unto  the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and  his statues…that all these  curses shall
come upon thee,  and  overtake thee.”  This curse spells complete
and total poverty in every area of life. Poverty  is not a blessing from  God. To believe  that it is, that it carries with it some sort of humility, is to believe  that God is the author of the curse, and
He is not! God is the author of the blessing.
God did not curse Adam; He built a garden for him and provided everything  he could possibly ever need or want. Satan is the one who brought in the curse. When Adam united with Satan, everything  in the earth was cursed. Then the covenant God made with Abraham provided an umbrella—a protection, an avenue  of escape  from this curse. As long as Abraham walked with the Lord and listened to His Word, he was protected; but the moment he disregarded the voice of the Lord, relying  on his own umbrella  and become vulnerable  to Satan once again.
Why does it seem so difficult to get along with God? He

knows the difference between  right and wrong and the foun­
dation laws upon which these values  are constructed.  He has understanding  and wisdom about the laws governing life. He established  His system to work a certain way,  then Satan deceived  us into believing  that the opposite  was true.
God is not being disagreeable with us. He is refusing to agree with Satan. This happened with Eve in the Garden of Eden. God has said, “If you eat the fruit, you will surely die. Then Satan came along and convinced  her that it wasn’t true by saying,  “Can it really  be that God has said…? He convinced her that God’s Word was not true, so she disobeyed God and Adam followed  her. The law functioned  and at that very moment they died spiritually.  Physical death was to follow years later.
From the time of Adam’s fall, man was cursed. Through the years he was trained under deception  and did not have
the necessary  spiritual knowledge and understanding  to escape it. After several generations  has passed,  Adam’s teachings  to
his own sons had been forgotten, and no one knew  anything about God or about spiritual law. Most of the things God has said were absolutely  foreign to the human mind. Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given to you again, but this is contrary to our thinking.  We say, “That’s stupid! It doesn’t make sense…anybody knows that if you give it away,  you won’t have it anymore! But God knows the foundation principle
of the law of giving.  Satan knows it too, but he will try to deceive  you in order to keep  you ignorant, weak  and power­ less so that he can govern you.
When God made His covenant with Abraham, most people could not understand.  As long as they obeyed  God, they were blessed.  However, when they relied on their own understand­ ing, they would go back under the curse again.  God was telling

them, “If you won’t follow My Word and do what I tell you, there is nothing I can do for you. I cannot usurp authority over your own free will.”
Let’s stop and consider for a moment that when God made is His Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He promised
to take care of them and their descendants.  They were  free  men!
Consequently,  every  Jewish slave who bore the lash under Egyptian rule was a free man! There was only one problem… they didn’t know it! Therefore, God called Moses and gave him the ability and authority to write down the covenant God had made with Abraham. This way,  the people  would know what had been done and what had been agreed  to. Moses went forth in the name of the covenant, performed miracles by the power of God in the face of Pharaoh, and led God’s people  out of bondage.  They could have gone free 400 years before, but they didn’t know their covenant! God has laid out His innermost thoughts and desires,  His perfect will, in the form of a contract and placed  them in the Bible. They are available  to set us free from Satan’s authority, by the Spirit of God in the Name of Jesus. Jesus said, “If ye continue in my word,  then  are  ye my
disciples indeed; And ye shall  know  the truth, and  the truth shall
make  you  free”  (John 8:31-32).
We have seen from the Word that the covenant of God has been established.  We have seen that prosperity is a blessing of Abraham and that poverty is under the curse of the law. How does this affect us as members of the Body of Christ under the new covenant?
Galatians 3:13-14, 29 says, “Christ hath  redeemed us  from
the curse of the law,  being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed  is every one  that hangeth on  the tree: That the blessing of Abraham might  come on  the Gentiles  through Jesus  Christ; that we might  receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.  And if

we be Christ’s,  then  are  ye Abraham’s seed, and  heirs  according to the promise.”
Jesus bore the curse of the law in our behalf. He beat Satan and took away  his power. Consequently,  there is no reason for you to live under the curse of the law, no reason for you to live in poverty of any kind. Many born-again  believer’s  live in spirit­ ual poverty, spiritual malnutrition. They are mighty, spiritual supermen  in the embryo but not in growing an ounce because they are not being properly fed. Spiritual growth comes only by feeding and acting on the Word of God. “Desire  the sincere
milk of the word,  that ye may  grow  thereby” (1 Peter 2:2).
Since God’s covenant has been established  and prosperity is a provision of this covenant, you need to realize that prosperity belongs to you now!  Someone might say, “God can see into the future. He knows that if I had money, I would spend it unwisely
or act ugly with it. That’s why I don’t have any.” Well, you are probably  right! The fact that you have more faith in this than you have in the Word of God and in your own competence  as a Christian is keeping  you robbed. Satan sold you that lie, not God. You must  realize that it is God’s will for you to prosper
(see 3 John 2). This is available  to you, and frankly, it would be
stupid of you not to partake  of it! When a man realizes that prosperity belongs to him, takes the Word of God, becomes prosperous,  and then gives it away,  he is valuable.  The Apostle Paul learned  the spiritual law of giving and operated  it profi­ ciently. He was strong enough  in the Lord to believe  for pros­ perity, receive it, then give it away.  This is a valuable  sacrifice; it really means something.
The Word of God says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you again.” As you begin to operate this law, you will see that you can’t get rid of it! As you give, it will be returned to you faster than you can keep  giving it away!  As we read in

Deuteronomy 8:18, God gives us the power to get wealth in order to establish His covenant. He does it because  He said He would! When you fully realize that you have Him and
He has you, that you can do all things through Christ Who
strengthens you (see Philippians  4:13), all the pride in your heart melts and you know that without Him you can do noth­ ing. As you begin to understand  these things, you won’t be afraid to give. You won’t be afraid to turn loose of it. When you give, you will receive and have even more to give, a constant flowing! Praise the Lord!

The Established Heart

God has established  His covenant in the earth, but it is not enough  just to know this. For the covenant to be of any value, we must have our hearts established  in it. Psalm 112 is a perfect description of the established  heart. It describes  the prosperous man and gives insight into his prosperity. Let’s examine  it closely.
“Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man  that feareth the Lord,
that deligheth greatly in his commandments.” What type of man is blessed  of God? The man who fears the Lord and delights greatly in His commandments,  in the established  covenant of God.
“His seed shall  be mighty  upon the earth:  the generation of the upright  shall  be blessed. Wealth and  riches shall  be in his house: and his righteousness endureth forever.” No one can take it away!  When God give you something, you should
have no fear of losing it. God has given you His Word. You can stand firmly on it because  it belongs to you!
“Unto the upright  there  ariseth light in the darkness: he is

gracious, and  full of compassion, and  righteous. A good man showeth favour, and  lendeth: he will guide his affairs with dis­ cretion [or good judgment]. Surely  he shall  not be moved forever: the righteous shall  be in everlasting remembrance. He shall  not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart  is fixed, trusting in the Lord. His heart  is established.” God has established  His covenant, and this man has established  his heart in the covenant. His heart  is fixed, trusting in the Lord. You can’t scare him with bad tidings about the fuel shortage, high interest rates or anything  else. He
trusts completely  and totally in the Lord and gets what he needs by his covenant with God. When you are established  and oper­ ating in the covenant of God, Satan can’t corner you.
You must  realize that prosperity is the will of God for you.
Knowledge of His will brings results. Once you know for sure that something is God’s will, you should not be without it any longer. If you do not know that healing  belongs to you, you will hesitate, wondering  if it is God’s will and never establish it in your own life. You will never really believe  it for yourself. Many people  have been healed  through the prayers of other believers  and still have difficulty with their health even after
God has healed  them a dozen times. However, once they see in the Word that healing  belongs to them, that Jesus bought and paid for it at Calvary, that He bore the stripes, then they will
not accept sickness again.  Why? Because  the Word becomes established  in their hearts and a force rises up within them—the force of faith. This is also true in prosperity.  Poverty is under
the curse of the law, and Jesus Christ has redeemed  us from the curse and has established  us in abundance, not bare necessity!
Stop and think for a moment. What is your  heart established
in? Sin or righteousness? Death or abundant life? Sickness or dis­
ease or healing  and divine health? Poverty or prosperity? Faith or fear?

The only way  you will establish your heart so that it is absolutely  fixed—concrete  and immovable,  trusting in the Lord—is by the Word of God. Go to the Word and feed on it: read it, study it, meditate in it. Then your heart will be estab­ lished, fixed, trusting in the Lord, and Psalm 112 will be a description of your life in Christ Jesus.

The Wisdom of God

The established  heart comes by meditation in the Word of God. We have seen from the book of Joshua that if a person will meditate in the Word day and night and do all that is writ­ ten therein, he will prosper and deal wisely  in his affairs. It is through this kind of meditation in the Word that you will dis­ cover what God has to say about finances.
Proverbs 3:13-14 says, “Happy  is the man  that findeth  wis­
dom,  and  the man  that getteth  understanding. For the mer­ chandise of it is better than  the merchandise of silver,  and  the gain thereof than  fine  gold.” In other words, there is a better market for wisdom and understanding  than for gold and silver.
The merchandise  of it is greater; and will provide more. Solomon proved this. People from faraway  countries heard about the wisdom of Solomon and brought him wealth and riches because  of it.
Verses 15-16, “She [wisdom] is more  precious than  rubies:
and  all the things  thou  canst desire are  not to be compared unto  her.  Length of days is in her right hand; and  in her left hand riches and  honour.” Wisdom  actually possesses riches and  honor. Does wisdom belong to us? Again, we go to the

established  covenant for the answer.  Let’s see what the Word has to say about it.
First Corinthians 1:30 states this very plainly  that Jesus has been made unto us wisdom. James 1:5-6 says, “If any  of you  lack wisdom, let him ask  of God, that giveth  to all men  liberally, and upbraideth not;  and  it shall  be given him.  But let him ask  in
faith,  nothing wavering.” Paul prayed  in Colossians 1:9-10 “that
ye might  be filled  with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and  spiritual understanding;  That you  might  walk  worthy  of the Lord unto  all pleasing, being fruitful  in every good work.” We should bear fruit and succeed  in every endeavor,  and the
wisdom of God enables  us to do this.
Now I take for granted that you understand  the importance of prayer in all these areas. Spend time before God and in His Word. Let Him reveal to you His wisdom and His understanding.
You are probably familiar with 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Ther
fore  if any  man  be in Christ, he is a new  creature: old things are  passed away; behold, all things  are  become new.” Are you in Christ? If so, then you are committed to Colossians 2:2-3: “That their hearts might  be comforted, being knit together in
love,  and  unto  all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and  of the Father, and  of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” We read earlier from Proverbs that one hand
of wisdom holds riches and honor and the other hand holds length of days. These are some of the treasures of wisdom—all of them are hid in Christ. Wisdom is in Christ. You are in Christ. Wisdom is in you! It belongs  to you! Welcome to where  the
riches are!
In financial dealings,  the truly wise man, one who is operat­ ing in the covenant of God, will not borrow money.  He will not obligate himself in this way.  A man who borrows money is

relying on the world’s system of finance and will never be in absolute  control of his affairs. God has a system of finance which will provide everything  you need. It is not a sin to borrow money, but there is a better way.  Why not use it? There is a higher life. Reach for it!
This is a very difficult area where businessmen  are con­ cerned, but God can and will provide everything  any business­ man can conceive  in his heart or mind. God has a way! This is something you grow into spiritually.  If you want to believe  God for thousands of dollars to operate your business,  you will have to start by believing  Him for your next shirt and tie. As you do, you will grow into a position where  you can believe  Him to provide large amounts of money. The wisdom of God will cause these things to happen,  and it comes forth only by spending time in the Word.
Suppose Henry Ford walked  up, handed  you a book, and said, “This book contains every secret that I have learned  in the automobile  industry, in the manufacturing  business,  and in the stock market. It has been tried and proven over a period of years to produce absolutely  if you will read it one hour each day and meditate in it.” Would you trade an hour’s sleep for the success Henry Ford enjoyed? This and so much more is available  to you by reading  and meditating in the Word of God. Commit yourself to it. Make up your mind and heart before God.
It is the responsibility  of every member of the Body of Christ to believe  God for the abundance  He provides. When one of us falls short in this responsibility,  the whole Body of Christ suffers because  of that one cell. (You may not use your little finger very much, but if it is sore, your whole hand suf­ fers.) As believers,  we have a responsibility  to provide for the needs of our brothers and sisters around the world. If we lack, they will suffer for it.

Now you can see that the basic reason for the operation of faith is to meet  the needs of mankind. You may not need much money to be happy and successful in your own life, but people are starving and dying throughout the world. Someone must provide for them. They don’t know how to get it for them­ selves. There are even preachers  going hungry! The biggest complaint from people  is that all the preachers  are wanting money. Do you know the best way to stop that complaint? Give to them! Don’t get into strife with them; bless them with your giving and pray for them.
The covenant is yours. The wisdom of God is yours. It resides within you. Bring it to the surface by meditating in the Word of God and giving God the opportunity to share His sys­ tem with you. When you let Him be your source of supply,  you can live independently from the world’s system. The Word states so plainly  in 2 Corinthians that without aid or support
you can continue to be generous  in every good work. This is the attitude God is looking for. This man is unlimited in the things of the Lord. Praise God!
When we began plans for our first television series, people said that we couldn’t do it because  of the tremendous cost of such an operation. One man offered us, at half price, an esti­ mate of $750 per finished minute. For a 60-minute program,
the total production  cost would  have been $45,000. The thought of financing a weekly  series for one year at that price was overwhelming!  For a series of five programs, they quoted us $350,000. Then the Lord said, “Why don’t you give Me a chance? You’ve asked the experts about it; now let Me in on it!”
So I did. God moved—and we filmed the five-part series for
$3,750! The Apostle Paul said, “…the world  is crucified unto  me, and  I unto  the world”  (Galatians 6:14).
The first and most important rule for you to follow in oper­

ating in the power of God and living by faith is this: 100 per­ cent committal to the Word of God and its authority in your life. As God told Joshua, the best way to prosper is by meditation in the Word. Don’t just study it; there is a difference between  med­ itation and study. Study involves digging  in the Word, running references in a concordance,  and so forth; but meditation many times covers only two or three verses of scripture. Read a verse several times. Roll it over in your mind; be quiet and listen to God for 20 or 30 minutes. This has been the way I have learned many things about the Word and about Jesus ministry. The Spirit of God can say enough  in one sentence  to last you a month! He was sent here to teach us the deep things of God (see 1 Corinthians 2:9-10).
Let me give you an example  from my own experience. Some time ago, I decided  to find out how to operate financially according to the Word of God. I believe  that God had a finan­ cial system that most Christians did not know. This was evident in my dad’s life. My parents decided  when they married that they would tithe their income for the rest of their lives. They knew very little about believing  God for finances. My dad relied on his ability to work. He was an excellent  sales representative and God blessed his business.  When I entered the ministry and started studying the Word of God, I read where God said to bring the tithes into the storehouse  and He would open the
windows of heaven (see Malachi 3:10). Well, I could look at my
dad and see that this wasn’t working in his life. He made more than a good living, but he worked  for every dime he got! So I began to study this and question the Lord about it.
One thing that He showed  me was the pride element in most businessmen, especially the ones who worked  hard like Dad. You couldn’t give my dad anything;  he  was the giver! If God wanted  to give him something, He had to channel  it

through the business or Dad would actually  get uncomfortable and embarrassed  if someone tried to give to him. This is wrong. God showed  me that most businessmen  don’t know how to receive simply because  of their pride.
I had been praying  in the Spirit, praying  in tongues, for sev­ eral hours one day in preparation  for a meeting and the Lord spoke to my heart. He said, “I want you to teach these people on tithing.” I said, “What do you mean? I don’t know anything about it myself!” All I knew was that the word tithe meant 10
percent! I tithed because  that’s what I had been taught at home
and in church. (Two things I knew—get  saved and tithe. We heard sermons for 50 weeks  each year on salvation and the other two on tithing!) Well, I continued to pray and the Lord kept bringing up the subject of tithing. Finally I said, “If You want me to teach on tithing, You’ll have to teach me first.” He said, Turn in My Word to where I introduced it, and I’ll show you.” So I began to meditate in these scriptures. I would read from the Word, then close my eyes,  and listen to God. If my mind started to wander,  I would go back to the Word and read it again and again and again and think about it and listen to God some more. You need to spend time listening to God! What will you pay for success?
In fellowshiping with God around the Word, I began to learn some things. God has His system under wraps, hidden in the Word, and meditation is the key to the mystery. This way Satan can’t get his hands on it. (Later in the book I will share some of these secrets on tithing with you.)
One time I was meditating about Peter catching the fish with the money in its mouth. I realized  this was a financial operation, so I decided  to find out what God had to say. I must have read that story 50 times and ran into a blank wall each time! I could see that Peter needed  tax money and Jesus told

him to go fishing. He caught the fish and got the money out
of its mouth. I would run that through my thinking, sometimes for hours, then get up and say, Well, Lord, I know it’s here somewhere, and by faith, I claim the revelation on it!” Finally, in prayer one day I picked  up my Bible, flipped it open to that passage,  and read it once more. Then I saw something I had
read over and over again.  Jesus said, “Get the money out of the mouth of the first fish.” Peter was going to catch a mess of fish! Then the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “Son, don’t bind Me to finances. I can handle the fish just as I can the money.” I saw
what I had been missing! I had been centering on the one fish. Now if I had been in Peter’s place,  I would have jerked the money out of the fish’s mouth, run down to pay the taxes, and then realized  that I didn’t have anything  to eat. I would have been so shortsighted that I would have thrown the fish back and missed out on the rest of the catch. If there was a first fish, there had to be a second and so on. Peter was a commercial fisherman and knew how to market those fish. Jesus obviously loaded  his boat again.  I would have spent part of the money
on something to eat and still couldn’t have paid my taxes. I thought, “I have been believing  for the money to buy an auto­ mobile when I should have believing  God for the automobile itself!” The Lord said, “That’s right. You have had Me bound to that little channel  of money.” Then He said something I’ll never forget, “Son, if I send you a cow with a bag of money around her neck, for goodness’ sake, milk her before you send her home!” The Lord has a tremendous sense of humor, but I didn’t know it until I began to fellowship  with Him and meditate in His Word.

The Rich Young Ruler

There is another area that I want to share with you about God’s financial system. In Mark 10:17-23, we find the story of the rich young ruler. This is one of the most misunderstood incidents in the whole Bible. We have read this in the light of the world’s traditional system, thinking God wanted to break that young man but this is not so. We have misunderstood  it for the same reason that the rich young ruler missed God—igno­ rance of the Word of God. He did not know what the covenant said. He knew “the Law” and the Ten Commandments, but the Abrahamic Covenant covered  much more than these. God made an agreement  with Abraham and promised to do certain things if he would obey the Word; then the prophets were raised up to add to this covenant and record it for Israel to use. Let’s read Mark’s account of this conversation.

And when he was gone forth into the way,  there came one running, and kneeled  to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Thou knowest the commandments,  Do not commit adultery,  Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud
not, Honour thy father and mother. And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus beholding  him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever  thou hast, and give to the poor, and

thou shalt have treasure in heaven:  and come, take up the cross, and follow me. And he was sad at that saying, and went away  grieved:  for he had great possessions. And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disci­ ples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!

Before you begin meditation in the Word, you must commit yourself to the absolute truth of John 10:10. “The thief cometh not,  but for to steal,  and  to kill, and  to destroy: I am  come that they might  have  life, and  that they might  have  it more  abun­ dantly.” Whenever  I read something that seems contradictory to this, I immediately  stop and straighten out my thinking. The truth is hidden in some way,  and I rely on the Holy Spirit to reveal it to me. God is not our problem. He does not steal from us. He is the giver of all good things! When you commit your­ self to this basic truth, you block Satan and deal a deadly  blow to deception.  As long as you are open to it, Satan will prove
that God wants you to live in poverty and in sickness to teach you humility. He will try to convince you that the rich young ruler couldn’t receive eternal life because  he had money, but Satan is a liar and the father of lies!
Here is how the Lord revealed  the truth to me: As I read Mark 10:20, “And he answered and  said  unto  him, Master, all these  have  I observed FROM MY YOUTH, the Lord spoke to me and said, “See, this is why he was rich. Then He pointed me to
Deuteronomy 8:18 about the Lord giving power to get wealth in order to establish His covenant. This young man was evidently walking  in this part of the covenant. The Lord said, “Do you think I would ask something from him that I hadn’t given him in the first place? You must realize these two facts: (1) God is the only reason you have anything, and (2) He will never ask you to

give up something without giving you something better in return.
Verse 21 says, “Then Jesus  beholding him loved  him.”  Now some people  think that God doesn’t like people  with money, but this says that when Jesus looked at the young man, He loved him…before He said anything  about giving away  his pos­ sessions.  You see, He loved him and what He said was to the man’s advantage.
Then the story continues with, “Jesus…said unto  him, One thing  thou  lackest.” What he lacked  was working revelation of the covenant. The young man only did as he was supposed  to.
He presented  himself as knowing  the Word, and Jesus tested his knowledge by saying,  “Go thy way,  sell whatsoever thou  hast, and give  to the poor, and  thou  shalt  have  treasure in heaven:
and  come, take  up  the cross, and  follow  me. What did the
young man do? He walked  off sadly because  he had great possessions.  Jesus could have stopped him right then and explained what He meant, but if He had, the man would have obeyed  in the natural and not by faith. If he had asked Jesus to explain  Himself, He would have. Each time His disciples  asked Him to explain  a parable,  He did, but He never explained it in order to get them to act on it. If the man had really known the covenant, he would have thought, “What does the covenant say
about giving to the poor?”  He would have remembered  Proverbs
19:7 that says, “He that hath  pity upon the poor  lendeth unto  the Lord; and  that which he hath  given will he pay  him again.” This was the biggest financial deal that young man had ever been
offered, but he walked  away  from it because  he didn’t know God’s system of finance. He didn’t take the time to inquire;  he just assumed that God wanted to break him. Instead of being Word-minded that young man was money-minded.
When the rich young ruler walked  away,  Jesus said, “How hardly shall  they that have  riches enter  into the kingdom of God!”

Then an interesting thing happened. The next verse says, “And the disciples were  astonished at his words.” We have just taken it for granted that Jesus and His disciples  didn’t have anything. But the Bible describes  Peter, James and John as professional fishermen. They owned more than one boat, and they had household  servants! When Jesus spoke those words, it shook them. It was adverse to what they had seen. They were  astonished at His words!  Jesus was not poor in His ministry. He had a treasurer! Turn off your religious head and read the Word of God as if it were your newspaper.
Another point I want you to grasp is the reality of Jesus’ words, “Come,  take  up the cross, and  follow  me.”  What does “the cross refer to? “The cross we are to bear is selfish, unlovely  people.  The greatest commandment is that we love one another. Unfortunately, some people  are not easy to love, but we are to love them anyway. We are to bear one another’s burdens and uphold one another. We must stop strife with the love of God. This is our cross. Do you realize the significance of His words, “Come…follow me”?  These are the words Jesus spoke to every man He commissioned  as an apostle. When I saw this, the Lord said, Wouldn’t this man have been the logi­ cal replacement  for Judas? Judas failed because  of the love of money. He even stole from the bag! This young ruler was an excellent  businessman; he was honest and had operated  the covenant from his youth. He was perfect for the job, but he
turned his back on this tremendous opportunity to follow Jesus.
Now let’s read on from Mark 10:25.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a nee­ dle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. And they were astonished  out of measure,  saying among themselves,  Who then can be saved? And Jesus

looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible,  but not with God: for with God all things are possible.  Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed  thee. And Jesus answered  and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or chil­ dren, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s,  But he
shall receive an hundredfold now in this time.

IN THIS LIFE! He intended  to give the rich young ruler a hundred times what he had!
Jesus said, “…an  hundredfold now  in this time, houses, and
brethren, and  sisters, and  mothers, and  children, and  lands, with persecutions; and  in the world  to come eternal life.”  The moment God begins  to bless you, you will get persecuted
because  you become dangerous  to Satan. You begin to know that God is the source of your success, that He is the one giving it to you, that there is an endless  supply  behind you and an endless supply  in front of you. All you must do is be a channel for it and  giving is the key  that opens the door. Jesus knew the
spiritual law of giving, and He operated  it proficiently. He gave
to the poor at such an astonishing  rate that when Judas left the room during the Last Supper, some people  thought that he must be going to give to the poor.
Do you want a hundredfold return on your money? Give and let God multiply it back to you. No bank in the world offers this kind of return! Praise the Lord!
This is operating and using what the Bible calls “the royal law.” Love your  neighbor as  yourself. Be as quick to care for the needs of others as you are your own needs. The world knows
it exists; they call it “the golden rule,” but they don’t understand how if functions and neither do most Christians.

This whole system of finance must be operated  by faith in order for it to function properly.  My dad was tithing as God has said, but he was not believing  for the return on his giving. He has it stacked up in heaven,  yet he was getting no benefit from it here on earth. Finally, when he learned  some of these things, he started believing  God and he is better off financially  today in retirement than he was when he worked  so hard. He began to mix his faith with God’s Word concerning  finances. There are many tithers who say, “Why, I couldn’t ask God to give any­ thing back to me!” This shows that they don’t really know what the Word says about tithing. When God introduced tithing in
the book of Deuteronomy, He commanded  the people  to say to Him, “Look down from thy holy habitation and bless your peo­ ple with a land that flows with milk and honey.” They were commanded  to say this to the Lord!
Remember, the basic fundamental  law for establishing your heart in the covenant of God is meditation in the Word. You must commit yourself to the fact that God’s Word works. Meditation  is fixing your  mind  on  the Word. Here are seven
steps to help you learn how to meditate God’s Word:

1.  Apply the Word to you personally.
2.  Allow the Holy Spirit to make God’s Word a reality in your heart.
3.  Carefully ponder how this Word applies  to your life.
4.  Dwell on how this Word from the Lord changes your situation.
5.  Place yourself in agreement  with what God’s Word says about you.
6.  See yourself as God sees you.
7.  Begin to realize the integrity of God’s Word.

You must commit yourself to the fact that God’s Word is true and that it works!

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